10 Simple Solutions To Help You Manage Snoring

sleeping disorder

There are various types of sleep disorders, and snoring happens to be one of the many on the list. Snoring occurs when air flows through your throat while you breathe during sleep. It causes the relaxed tissues within your throat to vibrate, thus causing unpleasant snoring sounds.

Snoring can affect your ability to get enough sleep to allow your body to function at maximum productivity. The noise from snoring can also be a nuisance to your partner or the people around you.

Snoring in itself is not always a sleep disorder. Sometimes it can be a symptom of a more severe health condition. Nevertheless, snoring can be managed and controlled through specific steps and procedures. Here are ten solutions that can help you keep snoring under control.


  1. Lose Weight

Losing weight doesn’t just help you look better or become healthier, but it can also be a tool for dealing with snoring. Yes! Losing weight will help reduce the amount of tissue within your throat that might be responsible for your snoring.

So, you might want to watch the number of calories you take in. Make efforts to reduce the amount of food you consume, avoid junk food and eat a healthier, balanced diet. Becoming more consistent with your exercise routine can also help!


  1. Raise The Head Of Your Bed

Sometimes the reason why a person snores might be because of the arrangement of simple structures like the bed. Adjusting the position or design of your mattress a little can prove really helpful. Try elevating the head of your bed by at least four inches. Doing that will help keep your airways open, thus reducing the probability of you snoring during sleep.

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  1. Sleep On Your Side

Sleeping positions matter too and can affect the quality and quantity of your sleep. Sleeping in an uncomfortable posture that closes your airways will increase the chances of snoring when you sleep. Make more efforts to sleep on your side.

Sleeping on your side will cause your tongue to move to the back of the throat, thereby blocking the airflow through your throat partially. It will also cause air to flow easily and reduce snoring.


  1. Address Chronic Allergies

Some allergies usually affect the nose, nasal cavity, and throat, thus making it challenging to inhale and exhale. Allergies can reduce airflow through your nose, thereby forcing you to breathe through your mouth.


  1. Utilize Nasal Strips Or An External Nasal Dilator

Applying a nasal dilator (a stiffened adhesive strip) across the nostrils will help decrease airflow resistance and reduce snoring. Stick-on nasal strips can be positioned on the nose bridge to increase space in the nasal passage.


  1. Reduce Alcohol Consumption And Smoking

Alcohol intake doesn’t just increase your chances of kidney damages but can also affect the quality of your sleep. The same goes for smoking. Alcohol and smoking cause the muscles in the throat to relax, which in turn causes snoring.

Make efforts to prevent alcohol intake or smoking at least two hours before bed, and talk to your doctor about ways to help you quit or avoid both habits as much as possible.


  1. Get As Much Sleep As You Can

Another cause of snoring is fatigue. Sometimes, you snore because of how tired you are or how much sleep you lack! Experts recommend and encourage an adult to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. Try to sleep earlier and go to bed at a particular time consistently.

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  1. Fix Structural Problems In Your Nose

One of the many causes of snoring is a flaw in the structure of the nose. Certain people are born with or experience an injury that causes a deviated septum. A situation like the above causes a misalignment of the nose wall that divides both sides of the nose, affecting airflow during sleep, thus causing snoring. After consultation with your doctor, it might be essential for you to undergo surgery to correct those structural flaws.


  1. Make Use Of An Oral Appliance

An excellent way to deal with snoring is to apply the use of specific dental mouthpieces. These dental mouthpieces, otherwise known as Oral appliances, when utilized, will help open your air passages, thus making it easier for you to breathe.


  1. Avoid The Use Of Sedative Before Bed

Sedatives are taken primarily for their sleep-inducing effects. Sedatives, when used before bed, will cause your throat muscles to relax, which in turn will cause snoring. A conversation with your doctor will reveal other options that you can use.



Sleeping disorders like snoring might sometimes require medical expertise and skill. If you need assistance in dealing with sleeping disorders of any form, do not hesitate to reach out to us.


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