6 Tips to Help You Manage Daytime Drowsiness

6 Tips to Help You Manage Daytime Drowsiness

Daytime drowsiness, also known as hypersomnia, is characterized by excessive sleepiness which affects a person’s daily productivity and their ability to function effectively.

Often caused by poor sleeping habits, daytime drowsiness can make you lose track of time and contribute to mental exhaustion. If you are struggling with daytime drowsiness, we have come up with six tips to help you manage the condition.


  1. Get enough sleep at night

Several studies indicate 8 hours as the acceptable sleep duration for every adult. This is necessary to make the body healthy and strong. However, many people work and carry out other activities late into the night, affecting their sleep routine.

If you find yourself sleeping in the daytime when you should be doing something tangible, ensure you get adequate sleep at night.

In addition, sleep on a comfortable bed. A comfortable bed allows you to sleep well. Your couch should not substitute for the coziness of your bed as it prevents you from having a good night’s rest, thereby affecting your performance during the day.


  1. Keep Distractions Away

When you go to bed, endeavor to starve off distractions. Do not watch TV, use your laptop, or play videos on the bed. The bed is meant for sleeping, so do away with anything that can affect your bedtime.


  1. Sleep early

To overcome daytime drowsiness, endeavor to avoid activities that will keep you awake late into the night. Rather, try to get in bed 15 minutes earlier than your typical bedtime. This way, you have time to partake in other healthy activities like meditation and reflection before sleeping. This ensures sound rest and allows you to function well during the day.

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  1. Have a Consistent and Healthy Mealtime

One of the reasons people experience daytime drowsiness is having a poor mealtime. Your meals affect how you go about your day. Your breakfast and lunch should consist of healthy and balanced diet that provide enough meals energy to function optimally during the day.

Don’t just grab doughnuts and soda for breakfast. It can lead to energy deficit which aggravates sleepiness. Instead, eat a good meal on time! Also, eat two to three hours before sleep to ensure a good night’s rest.


  1. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise – at least, 30 minutes daily – has a lot of benefits. Apart from increasing your energy level of energy, it also helps you establish a good sleep pattern. This makes it easier to get a good night’s rest, giving you the energy to function well during the day without experiencing drowsiness.


  1. Consult a Sleep Specialist

As earlier mentioned, poor sleep habits cause daytime drowsiness. But, sleep disorders also cause daytime drowsiness. For example, if you sleep excessively or without warning during daily activities, you might have a sleep disorder called narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by sudden attacks of deep sleep, which can be brief and accompanied by hallucinations or sleep apnea (also known as snoring).

This will require the intervention of a sleep expert who will design a sleep disorders treatment program to help you manage sleepiness and treat any underlying sleep disorder.


Final Words

Sleep is essential for every human. As such, you must prioritize establishing a consistent sleep routine to eliminate any form of heavy sleepiness during the day.

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If you are struggling with getting enough sleep or believe you might be suffering from a sleep disorder requiring medical assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here. We offer personalized sleep-related treatments that can help you get started on your way to sleeping better.



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